Altera Investments

Altera Investments

Altera Investments is a leading alternative asset advisor that delivers investment offerings that meet the return requirements of institutional clients while reducing risk through superior allocations. It manages investments across three major alternative asset classes: private equity, real estate, and impact. Altera utilizes the widest range of models and strategies to help clients complete portfolio analysis and meet rebalancing demands.


Altera Private Access

Altera Private Access provides you with the access and underwriting you need, from sponsor due diligence, to deal scoring and asset profiling.

Separately Managed Accounts

Altera provides you with all the experience and solutions you need to make your alternative asset portfolio perform optimally—from asset-level due diligence and comprehensive manager research to portfolio analysis and impact assessments—that improves investor outcomes.

Impact Strategies

Altera's research is focused on bringing more transparency into the selection of assets and the construction of portfolios.