Archelon Group

Archelon Group

Founding Date

Archelon Group is a proprietary trading firm that combines mathematical computer modeling and sophisticated technology to provide liquidity in multiple asset classes on the world's primary financial exchanges. The company was one of the first participants in the fully electronic Eurex exchange in the early 90’s, and has continued to invest heavily in system engineering, programming, and financial engineering activities. Archelon also provides direct market access and market making services for equities, equity options, index futures and interest rate products in the US, Europe and Korea.


  • Archelon was a pioneer in applying technology to trading and quickly grew to be recognized as a renowned market-maker in options and other securities in the US, Europe, and Korea.

  • At its peak, Archelon was one of the most active option market-makers in the world, with substantial market shares in Kospi options and futures.

  • In 2014 Archelon started to spin out its trading activities to its partners and former employees and has ceased its trading activities.