Asclepia Capital

Asclepia Capital

Entity Type
Founding Date

Asclepia Capital is a healthcare hedge fund that primarily invests in innovative biotech, life science companies, or modern-day healing temples in the United States and Europe. It employs a contrarian and deep-value-based investing philosophy that identifies core holdings consisting of companies largely under-the-radar, unloved, underappreciated, and undervalued by the investment community. Asclepia also obtains price target objectives within a twelve-to-eighteen month timeframe.

  • Asclepia Capital 15 to 25 holdings are growth in nature.
  • It consists of companies balanced mostly across micro, small, and mid capitalizations, undergoing a rigorous due diligence process based on a bottom-up style of analysis.
  • This mix of core holdings and trading positions is hedged by a basket of short positions and/or index options.
  • Performance volatility is mitigated by trading positions, which consist of companies with a 3 to 6 months timeframe and an undervalued thesis based on more than just fundamental reasons.