Asia Frontier Capital

Asia Frontier Capital

Founding Date

Asia Frontier Capital is a leading fund manager specializing in high-growth Asian frontier economies. It manages several funds that invest in public listed equities from fast-growing countries, including Vietnam, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Iraq, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, and Sri Lanka.


AFC Asia Frontier Fund

This fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation for investors by investing in listed equities of companies that have their principal business activities in high-growth Asian frontier markets. The fund primarily focuses on consumer, financial, and infrastructure-related companies.

AFC Iraq Fund

This fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation for investors by capturing value and growth potential in the post-conflict, high-growth, and resource-rich Iraq market. The Cayman Islands domiciled fund emphasizes long-term investment horizon to truly capture the opportunity in Iraq.

AFC Uzbekistan Fund

This fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation for investors by capturing the value and growth potential in the recently liberalized economy of Uzbekistan. It is designed to offer investors high returns from growth in the equities market of Uzbekistan whilst offering a portfolio that has a low correlation with global equity markets.

AFC Vietnam Fund

This fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation for investors by capturing value in undervalued listed Vietnamese equities with a focus on small to medium size companies.