Bethel College

Bethel College

Entity Type
Founding Date

Founded in 1887, Bethel College is the oldest Mennonite school in the United States. While more than half of students practice other faiths, the school requires courses and seminars that explore Christian and Mennonite values. Bethel has more than 25 majors. The most popular areas of study are business and nursing. Students must complete a research project, public performance, or internship in order to graduate.

  • Bethel has more than 35 clubs and organizations.
  • It has study abroad programs in nearly 20 countries.
  • It has a four-year graduation guarantee for students who take a full course load. Make academic progress but don’t graduate in four years, Bethel covers the cost of the remaining courses a student needs to graduate.
  • It has 15 varsity teams that compete in the NAIA.