Innovatus Capital Partners

Innovatus Capital Partners

Innovatus Capital Partners is an independent investment adviser and investment management firm specializing in private debt and diversified asset-based strategy with a focus on both real and financial assets. The firm identifies distressed and disruptive opportunities in the less obvious market seams across investable assets. A unifying theme of capital preservation and income generation is key in the selection of investments.

Innovatus invests across three distinct dimensions to create robust portfolio diversity:

Asset Class Diversity

Innovatus's portfolio includes investments that span multiple industry sectors, asset types, and companies at varying levels of maturity.

Capital Structure Flexibility

Innovatus invests in well-established assets, emerging assets, and higher risk/return assets where it has a distinctive perspective or specialized expertise.

Underlying Opportunity Drivers

Innovatus intends to capitalize on a blend of dynamics that it sees driving the overall e onomy by building a portfolio of companies and assets benefitting from various forms of identifiable market disruption and distress.