Polygon Global Partners

Polygon Global Partners

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Polygon Global Partners is a global investment firm that aims to create an investment alpha based on a disciplined, repeatable, research-driven process. It manages open-ended hedge fund and private equity vehicles across a number of strategies. Polygon is focused on working with institutions and individuals that have proven their ability over various business cycles.


Convertible Securities

Polygon’s convertible bond strategy focuses on convertible securities in Europe and North America to construct a single, cohesive portfolio across regions. In contrast to many convertible-focused hedge funds, Polygon favors a concentrated and heavily-researched portfolio with a focus on low correlation and catalyst-driven opportunities. 

European Event Driven Equities

The strategy is founded on a diversified, catalyst-driven portfolio that exhibits a low correlation to European equity markets. A thoughtful, size-constrained approach allows a focus on more attractive and less-followed opportunities while remaining nimble.