Rockpoint Group

Rockpoint Group

Entity Type
Founding Date

Rockpoint Group is a real estate private equity firm that employs a fundamental value approach to investing in select product types and geographic regions across the United States. It targets specific asset classes and geographic regions given current market conditions, with a particular focus on value creation opportunities, distressed/restructuring opportunities, and complex situations.


Basis-driven investment opportunities.

Rockpoint acquires assets at attractive bases relative to replacement costs and stabilized cash flows, also with meaningful downside protection across varying market cycles.

Cash flow enhancement and value creation opportunities.

Rockpoint is focused on acquiring high-quality, well-located assets with identifiable opportunities to increase cash flow and create value through active asset management and strategic property management.

Complex situations.

Complex situations may offer attractive risk-adjusted returns, as they are often priced inefficiently due to asset-specific issues and/or short-term capital market dislocations.