SFO Alliance

Founding Date

SFO Alliance is the world's premier peer-to-peer community of single family office investment executives and principals. The Alliance is a membership network of bonafide single family offices and executives from around the globe. They have over 1,100 individual members, representing over 850 family offices worldwide.


  • SFO Alliance is a membership club whose members are SFO executives and principals of the larger investment offices who face the same unique challenges.

  • The Alliance matches single family offices with peers no matter where they are located.

  • The Alliance has a strict onboarding policy. Only legitimate single family offices with assets over $400m participate in this private and trusted environment.


  • SFO Week is an invitation-only event considered as the world's premier conference for single family offices.

  • During SFO Week, the organization brings together a carefully pre-qualified group of executives and principals for closed door peer-to-peer salon discussions.

  • The exact location and agenda are only available to attendees.