Alex Lester is an experienced engineering leader in the fields of cloud, e-commerce, and finance. Alex is an Engineering Manager at Coinbase,a secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing cryptocurrency. Prior to joining Coinbase, he was an Engineering Manager at Google, where he was involved in software engineering for Firebase, Google cloud platform's Apogee, and other Playstore promotions. Before that, he was an Engineering Manager at Okta, the leading independent identity provider, responsible for cloud platform performance engineering.
Alex Lester Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Alex was a Software Engineer for Groupon, a company providing a global marketplace where people can buy just about anything, anywhere, anytime.
He was a Software Engineer at Macquarie Group, where he built and improved quantitative finance applications in C++ and Python.
He was also involved in building and improving high resilient trade flow and aggregation software at Macquarie Group.
Alex has also appeared as a guest on Real Vision.