Amolo Ng'weno is an entrepreneur, financial inclusion advocate, and tech pioneer involved in bringing solutions to small traders who are in need of technological financial and training solutions to create sustainability for development. Amolo is Chief Executive Officer of BFA Global, a consulting firm focused on financial and digital innovation for a more inclusive and sustainable planet. She leads the firm in addressing new opportunities and challenges arising from the success of digital financial services, and harnesses technology to provide micro-entrepreneurs with the financial and technical tools for growth. Prior to joining BFA Global, she was the Managing Director of Digital Divide Data Kenya, a social enterprise that provides data and research services to companies and governments. Amolo is also known for the role she played in bringing the internet to East Africa when she co-founded Africa Online, East Africa’s first and still the largest pan-African internet service provider.
Amolo Ngweno Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
At BFA Global, she leads a team of 40 committed, creative professionals around the globe towards the digital economy.
Her recent area of interest is the changing nature of work in developing countries with the growth of the digital economy.
She was Managing Director of DDD Kenya, a company which employed over 500 people in Kenya and Tanzania at the time she left.
Prior to that, Amolo held a position as Deputy Director in the Financial Services for the Poor team at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
At GF, she worked to improve the scale, range and impact of financial services available to the poor in developing countries.
Amolo worked in Kenya, her native country, where she was the COO of the Trust for African Rock Art.
She started her career as an Economist for The World Bank, where she was responsible for appraising and supervising social sector projects in Francophone Africa and Angola totalling over $100 million.
She is the Chair of the Board of Directors at Upepo Technology, a pioneer provider of IoT, starting with the water sector in Kenya.
She is a member of Advisory Board at Stage Six, where she advises on growth strategy and financing.
Amolo Ng'weno Honors & Awards
Quora Top Writer 2018,
Chair of the Jury - Innovation Prize for Africa 2016, Africa Innovation Foundation
Juror - Africa Innovation Prize 2014, Africa Innovation Foundation
Kenya Disability Inclusion Awards 2014 - IT Winner, Action for Children with Disabilities and Deaf Aid
Judge - Rockefeller Foundation Centennial Challenge, Rockefeller Foundation
Connected Kenya 2013 Google/ICT Board Innovation Prize
ICT Board Innovation Prize 2012, Kenya ICT Board
National Quality Awards First Prize
Amolo Ng'weno Organizations
Board Member, GSMA Mobile for Development Foundation
Chair of the Board of Directors, Upepo Technology Co.
Member of Advisory Board, Stage Six Inc.
Chair of Management Committee, Georgetown University Initiative on Innovation