Amy Morin

Amy Morin

Formal First Name

Amy Morin is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist who helps children, teens, and adults build the mental strength they needed to reach their greatest potential. Her expertise includes psychology, parenting, and mental health. Morin is also a highly sought-after speaker delivering talks about parenting and mental strength to a wide variety of crowds. She is an internationally bestselling author whose books have been translated into more than 40 languages.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Morin has worked as a psychotherapist since 2002.
  • She has treated adults, children, and teens with mental health issues.
  • She frequently delivers keynote speeches on mental strength.
  • Morin has been a therapeutic foster parent for more than 10 years.
  • She regularly provides short-term, respite, and emergency placements for many children and teens. 
  • School departments request her assistance in addressing behavior problems such as aggression and bullying.



  • Morin spends a lot of her time speaking about mental strength.
  • In 2015, she gave one of the most popular TEDx talks of all time—The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong. It’s been viewed more than 15 million times.
  • She has appeared on-camera for interviews with Fox Business, the Glenn Beck TV show, Business,Insider, Huffington Post Live, Inside Edition, The Hallmark Channel, CNBC, and Forbes.
  • Some of the organizations that have hired her to speak include Google, Microsoft, The National Nuclear Security Administration, The American Academy of Pediatrics, Under Armour, and Johnson & Johnson.

  • Morin is a regular columnist for Forbes, Business Insider, and Psychology Today.
  • Her articles on mental strength reach more than 2 million readers every month.
  • Her advice has been featured by numerous media outlets including Time, Good Morning America, Fast Company, Business Fox News, CNN, and CNBC.
  • She has been quoted or mentioned in many major online and print publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Success, Parade,, and Cosmopolitan.

    • In the Mentally Strong People Podcast, she interviews guests from around the globe who exemplify mental strength.

    • In The Verywell Mind Podcast, she introduces listeners to mental strength-building strategies that can help them think, feel, and do their best in life.

    • The Guardian dubbed her “the self-help guru of the moment.”
    • Forbes called her a “thought leadership star."
    • Inc. Magazine named her one of the top 100 leadership speakers of 2018.