
Anthony Canale

Anthony Canale

Formal First Name

Anthony Canale is Global Head of Research at Covenant Review, the authority on corporate bond indentures and leveraged loan credit agreements. In his role, Canale oversees all of Covenant Review's various research product offerings. He joined Covenant Review in 2007 as Head of High Yield Research from 2012 through 2018, where he published research on bond and loan covenants. Canale has written research on hundreds of high yield issuers, including extensive research on some of the most widely-followed names in the industry. He also regularly lectures on covenant issues to investment professionals and other attorneys. Prior to joining Covenant Review, he served as General Counsel for the publicly traded company Debt Resolve.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • He began his career as a corporate finance attorney with Latham & Watkins, representing both issuers and underwriters in high yield debt offerings.

  • After that, he represented private equity firms in negotiating LBOs and related financing.

  • Subsequently, he became an in-house attorney, serving as Senior Counsel for broadband provider Wayport, Inc.


  • Canale has been quoted in publications such as Barron's, Bloomberg, the New York Post, and The Wall Street Journal.

  • His research has appeared on Windstream, Neiman Marcus, iHeart Communications, Caesars, Bausch Health, and Claire's Stores, among others.