Bill Eckhardt

Bill Eckhardt

Formal First Name
William (Bill)
Nick Name
The Man Who Launched 1,000 Systems
1955 - present

William Eckhardt is the Founder and Chief Research Scientist of Eckhardt Trading Company, a systematic futures trading firm. In this capacity, he directs the firm's systems development and ongoing research. Over the past 40 years, Eckhardt has conducted extensive research into the nature of futures price action and risk management. He has developed numerous technical trading systems applying unique portfolio theory and evolutionary computing algorithms.

Asset Classes



Risk Management

Mentioned by the Following


The New Market Wizards

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • In 1974, Eckhardt began trading for his own account at the Mid America Commodity Exchange.
  • He launched his own commodity trading advisor in 1991, which has produced a compound annual return of 17.35% over 20 years and earned 21.09% in 2010. 
  • He serves on the International Advisory Board of the Pacific Institute of Theoretical Physics.
  • He is a member of the University of Chicago Visiting Committee to the Division of Physical Sciences. 
  • He provided the leadership gift to establish the William Eckhardt Research Center at the University of Chicago and finances the William Eckhardt Scholars Fund.
  • In addition to building trading systems, he has developed a science of trading and written academic papers on the philosophy of science  
  • His philosophical writing covers a wide range of topics:
    • the illusory nature of time's passage
    • the nature and status of physical properties
    • causality; the mind-body problem
    • decision theory
    • paradoxes in probability theory