Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar

Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar

Formal First Name

Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar is the Chief Executive Officer of IOVLabs. He is recognized as one of the pioneers of web development in Argentina and Latin America back in 1995. He has played a leading role in fostering Bitcoin technology by contributing to the creation of grassroot Bitcoin communities in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay. He is best known for his ability to understand disruptive technologies and transform them into useful tools for business and social transformation.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Founder of Xinergia - a leading-edge web development company
  • Founder of Cero a Cien - managing and tutoring platform for entrepreneurs
  • Founder of Arraiga - IT training and labor insertion platform
  • Founder of Restocoins - payment system to ease bitcoins acceptance on restaurants and cafes
  • Founding Team of Clarín Digital - main Argentina's newspaper website
  • Founding Team of Patagon.com - financial community sold to Banco Santander for 750 million
  • Founding Team of Internet Argentina - first Argentinian ISP to provide ADSL
  • Founding Team of Edunexo - a provider of a SaaS platform to administer public and private educational institutions in Latin America and Spain
  • Co-Founder of Koibanx - a Blockchain services company focused on asset tokenization and financial inclusion
  • Co-Founder of RSK Labs
  • Co-Founder of the Argentine Bitcoin NGO
  • Co-Founder and President of the Bitcoin Latam NGO 
  • President of the Argentinean Bitcoin Foundation
  • President of the ONGs Bitcoin Argentina