Don Jones

Don Jones

Formal First Name
Donovan (Don)

Don Jones is the Founder and CEO of VentureDeal. In this role, he has been researching pre- and post-IPO companies to provide insight on which new IPO issues are poised for potential upside once they trade on public markets. Jones has over 25 years of experience in technology venture capital research and writing, financial services, business development, and online publishing related to startup and technology businesses.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Don Jones established IPO Edge, a research service for investors interested in IPOs on US markets. 
  • He is an IPO specialist with over 13 years of experience tracking and analyzing high-growth technology, consumer, and life science companies.
  • He has been writing on Seeking Alpha since 2016, building up a following of thousands of investors and becoming a leading analyst on the site for IPO coverage.
  • His deepest analysis and in-depth views are reserved for IPO Edge.