Donna Redel is an accomplished businesswoman, angel investor and philanthropist. Redel was the Managing Director of The World Economic Forum, the foremost global organization combining business, political, academic, and other leaders of society. She was also the first woman to chair a USA exchange, The Commodity Exchange. Following her work in global organizations, Redel ventured to become a New York City-based advisor and investor focusing on financial technology, blockchain and emerging technologies. A recognized thought leader on blockchain and digital assets, she serves as Professor at Fordham Law School where she developed and teaches two courses: Blockchain-Crypto Currencies-Digital Assets and DeFi and Smart Contracts.
Donna Redel Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Co-Founder, Blockchain Committee
Co-Chair, Israeli Investment Committee
Member, INATBA Academic Advisory Council
At the Forum, she was directly responsible for the 1000 corporate members and the development of the Strategic Partners.
She is known for growing a major portion of the Forum's income base while expanding both geographic and gender diversity.
Redel made history in 1992 when she became the only woman ever elected Chairman of the Board of Commodity Exchange (COMEX).
She was responsible for day-to-day management, functional and financial oversight performance, and cleared all principal futures exchanges.
During her tenure, COMEX merged with the New York Mercantile Exchange, creating the world’s largest physical commodity exchange.
Redel served as Chief Information and Technology Officer for both the International and Derivatives divisions of Prudential Securities.
Shew co-founded The Fordham Law Blockchain Regulatory Symposium: Regulation and Innovation.
She lectured at Wharton at UPenn and Columbia University Graduate School of Business where she is teaching Blockchain-Digital Assets and Smart Contracts-DeFi.
The focus of her public service efforts are the environment, health and promoting women’s leadership.