Jerome Lavelle is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University. At NCSU, he leads the development, implementation, and growth of various programs targeted towards student success, and extension and engagement. He is also responsible for leading proposals and strategic efforts for increased access and pathways to engineering for students across the University of North Carolina System and the North Carolina Community College System. Lavelle has over 30 years of experience across academia, teaching and researching in the areas of engineering economics, engineering education, leadership, and engineering management. Prior to joining NC State in 2000, he was a Faculty of the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Kansas State University. He is the co-author of the leading undergraduate textbook, Engineering Economic Analysis, and has over 90 archived academic citations.
Jerome Lavelle Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
He was a member of the technical staff of AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1985 to 1988.
He was an ASEE Faculty Fellow at NASA, where he carried out research in space shuttle and management flow processes.
He has taught over 35 sections of engineering economy at the undergraduate and graduate levels to approximately 2,200 students.
He was an early adopter of active learning and video/flipped pedagogies in the classroom.
He has served ABET in engineering program accreditation as program evaluator, commission member, member of the academic advisory council, and society liaison for IISE.