Joe Albano

Joe Albano

Formal First Name

Joe Albano is a technology insider who follows technology-related companies as well as blue-chip industrials and consumer products. He combines his passion, education, and career into his investing approach. Albano's interests lie in growth stocks but still has a portfolio of dividend growth companies to balance out the risk.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Joe Albano writes mainly about technology companies, especially ones that he uses and consumes. 
  • Knowing the technical side of the products helps him in his analysis of what the product's impact is to consumers and the markets they reach. 
  • He previously worked in the IT field of the healthcare industry for a major teaching hospital and practice group. 
  • He raced nationally in college for Baja SAE and continues to build racecars and race on a regional level both on road courses and frozen lakes.