Patrick Cox

Patrick Cox

Formal First Name

Patrick Cox is the Editor of Transformational Technology Alert, a premium research service hosted by Mauldin Economics. His impartial and independent research is based solely on his investigations in transformational wealth-building companies and close consultation with Nobel Prize-winning economists and scientists. Cox is a biotech expert, economist, and public policy analyst who has lived deep inside the world of technological developments for over 30 years. In addition to researching and writing, Cox also serves as a consultant for national political campaigns and Fortune 500 companies.

Professional Experience

  • Cox is also the Chief Science Officer at Health and Wellness Research.
  • He writes Patrick Cox’s Tech Digest, a free daily e-letter where he shares breakthrough treatments, life-saving technologies, and other biotech transformations. 
  • He is a passionate advocate for coffee's benefits.
  • He has appeared in the Wall Street Journal and on CNN’s Crossfire news program. 
  • He has written over 200 editorials for USA Today. 
  • He has interviewed and speaks regularly to nationally known CEOs and Nobel Prize-winning scientists and researchers.
  • In the late 1980s, he edited and published one of the first industry-insider software magazines, writing about topics like open-source and user-supported software.
  • His consulting work has taken him to Fortune 500 boardrooms and inside the war rooms of national political candidates. 
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.