Peter Ammermann is Associate Professor of Finance California State University - Long Beach. Peter is also a Director of CSULB Beach Investment Group, an honors-level course encouraging undergraduate and graduate students with passion for finance. He oversees the group's three portfolios - the Seeger's fund, the 49er SMIF fund, and the CFAOC portfolios - totaling more than $700K in assets under management. Prior to CSU, he was a Special Assistant to the Controller at New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., where he worked on the company's federal and various state tax filings and financial analysis related to large-scale projects. Peter is also the Founding Chair and a member of the Investment Policy Committee of CFA Society of Orange County Foundation.
Peter Ammermann Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Peter served as a Statistical Consultant for Virginia Tech for four years.
He also served as an Instructor for Virginia Tech for three years.
He received a Bachelor's Degree from Roanoke College with a major in Accounting.
Peter Ammermann's Certificates
Data Science: Data to Insights, MIT Professional Education
Case Method Teaching Seminar, Part I, Harvard Business School Publishing
Case Method Teaching Seminar, Part II, Harvard Business School Publishing
edX Verified Certificate for Introduction to R for Data Science
Peter Ammermann's Affiliations