Rekt Capital is a pseudonymous, Forbes-featured crypto technical analyst and trader that shares macro research, commentary and technical analysis related to crypto markets. Rekt Capital publishes a newsletter and provides courses that help educate traders better understand and navigate the cryptocurrency market and how to make informed decisions when buying and selling cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and popular altcoins. In addition, he offers courses with level-headed strategies that teaches you how to make money trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. Today, Rekt Capital has become one of the top trading platforms in the cryptocurrency market. He has a YouTube channel where he investigates market trends and opportunities in addition to Twitter, where he posts charts and explanations. The trader has more than 300,000 followers across his various social media platforms, many of whom are prominent individuals, including Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao.
The Rekt Capital newsletter offers a unique, in-depth perspective that guides you through the noise and helps you focus on what's important.
It aims to guide and teach crypto traders and investors about the fundamentals, impact and importance of technical analysis.
Today, the Rekt Capital newsletter is a Top 4 crypto newsletters on Subtrack globally.
Altcoin Investing Course
Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis Course
Cryptocurrency Risk Management Course
Rekt Capital is regularly profiled and cited in financial media outlets, including Cointelegraph, Forbes, HackerNoon, and The Startup.
His market research and analysis has also appeared in Real Vision.