Ross Beaty

Ross Beaty

Formal First Name
Nick Name
The Broken Slot Machine

Ross Beaty founded Pan American Silver and currently serves as its Director and Chairman of the Board. He is a mining legend and a well-known environmental philanthropist. He is also a trained geologist and resource entrepreneur with more than four decades of experience in the international minerals and renewable energy industries. Beaty is an internationally recognized leader in both non-renewable and renewable resource development, having founded and divested several companies. Beaty is also the Chairman of Equinox Gold Corp, a mid-tier gold producer.

Ross Beaty has embraced lots of risk throughout his career. He had malaria, almost been blown up, shot at, and worked in dangerous locals. He also suffered fatal parasites, been on plane and helicopter crashes, fallen off mountains, and a lot more. He has had many near-death experiences. He considers himself to be a very lucky guy.

Beaty has appeared as a guest on Real Vision multiple times.

He is thankful to the shareholders that have believed and trusted in him for years, including Rick Rule.

Beaty has given his focus on public companies. He likes to build businesses that fulfill a specific need in public markets and that investors want.

Mr. Beaty has received many awards and honors for his business and philanthropic achievements