Tascha Che

Tascha Che

Formal First Name
Natascha (Tascha)

Tascha Che is a macroeconomist, tech entrepreneur, angel investor, and Web3 startup advisor. She is the Founder of Tascha Labs, a research and investment firm focused on Web3, where she writes about investment, macro and humanity’s future. She also founded Soundwise, the No.1 mobile-focused audio publishing platform for experts, influences and solo entrepreneurs to sell on-demand audio and to leverage their podcast. Tascha is a prominent figure in the world of finance and technology, particularly associated with Web3 and cryptocurrency. An in-depth researcher into the crypto market, she provides regular information on Web3 trends, blockchain, as well as comments and predictions.


  • Tascha covers macro and investments with a focus on crypto macroeconomics and the future of humanity.

  • She helps you with long term strategy for financial independence and personal freedom.

  • She helps you understand where the world is going and how you can prepare for it.



  • She is known for combining personal growth wisdom with no-nonsense business advice.

  • She has coached over 200 experts and entrepreneurs on how to use podcasting to grow their business.

  • She is the creator of the Power Mornings course, an audio program teaching powerful daily rituals to boost your productivity, creativity, and well being.

  • She hosts The True Voyage Soundcast, a weekly podcast that teaches empathy light beings how to thrive in work and life, and create a bigger impact in the world.


  • She has been featured on Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, YourTango, Elephant Journal, Sivana East, among others.

  • She is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and is the author of Podcast Conversion Secrets: The Ultimate Guide for Turning Your Podcast Listeners into Paying Customers.

  • She has also appeared as a guest on Real Vision.