W. Brian Arthur

W. Brian Arthur

Formal First Name
W. Brian
1945 - present

W. Brian Arthur is a leading economist, complexity thinker, and well known authority on economics in relation to technology, complexity theory and financial markets. He is an External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute and a Visiting Researcher in the Intelligent Systems Lab at PARC. Arthur is also well known for his pioneering theoretical work on positive feedback or increasing returns in the economy, which offered a paradigm-changing explanation of why some high-tech companies achieve breakaway success. He is also one of the pioneers of the science of complexity—the science of how patterns and structures self-organize, and is credited with the invention of the El Farol Bar problem. His work has gone on to become the basis of our understanding of the high-tech economy. In the 1980s and early 90s, he led the Santa Fe Institute’s team researching the economy as an evolving, complex system; this work has developed over time into the new thinking called “complexity economics.” Previously, he was Morrison Professor of Economics and Population Studies at Stanford University.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • He pioneered the modern study of positive feedback or increasing returns in the economy.

  • The study focused in particular their role in magnifying small, random events in the economy.

  • This work has gone on to become important to our understanding of the high-tech e onomy.


  • He led a group at the Santa Fe Institute to develop an alternative approach to economics —"complexity economics."

  • Complexity economics assumes actors in the economy do not necessarily face well-defined problems or use super-rationality.

  • In this non-equilibrium view of the economy, bubbles and crashes can happen, markets can be "gamed" or exploited, and history and institutions matter.


  • The book is a theory of evolution for technology that argues technology, like biological life, evolves from earlier forms.

  • The book explains in detail how the combination of earlier technologies makes new technologies.

  • It argues that the economy isn't just a container for its technologies; the economy emerges from its technologies.



  • Member, Founders Society of the Sante Fe Institute

  • Science Board and Board of Trustees, Sante Fe Institute


  • Complexity and the Economy (2014)

  • The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves (2009)

  • The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II (1997)

  • Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy (1994)