Yehuda Lindell is the Head of Cryptography at Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States. He is responsible for the company's cryptography design and its strategy around secure multiparty computation. He is also a Professor of Computer Science at Bar-Ilan University, where he heads the BIU Center for Research in Applied Cryptography and Cybersecurity. With a rich academic and industry background in cryptography, Yehuda has carried out extensive research in cryptography, published over 100 scientific articles, and co-authored one of the most widely used textbooks on modern cryptography. Prior to Coinbase, he was the Co-Founder and CEO of Unbound Tech, a company that provided key management and protection solutions based on MPC.
Yehuda Lindell Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Yehuda served as the Chief Scientist of Unbound from its inception until February 2019, when he took over the role as CEO.
He is the lead cryptographer with expertise in secure multiparty computation that forms the technological core of Unbound’s solutions.
Unbound Tech was acquired by Coinbase in 2021.
He spent two years at the IBM T.J. research lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the cryptography research group.
His career began in the academic realm, where he focused on the theoretical and applied aspects of secure multiparty computation (MPC).
He also served as a cryptographer for SafeNet and Aladdin Knowledge Systems prior to launching Unbound.
2022 IACR's "Test-of-Time" Award
Yehuda has presented at numerous international conferences, workshops and university seminars, and has served on program committees for top international conferences in cryptography.
He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.