Adaptive Asset Allocation

Adaptive Asset Allocation

Full Name
Adaptive Asset Allocation: Dynamic Global Portfolios to Profit in Good Times - and Bad

Adaptive Asset Allocation is a no-nonsense how-to guide for dynamic portfolio management. It walks you through a uniquely objective and unbiased investment philosophy and provides clear guidelines for execution. From foundational concepts and timing to forecasting and portfolio optimization, this book shares an insightful perspective on portfolio adaptation that can improve any investment strategy. Adaptive Asset Allocation provides critical background information alongside a streamlined framework for improving portfolio performance.

Praise for Adaptive Asset Allocation

"The ReSolve crew at their best…Those enlightened advisors who understand the power of active asset allocation and risk management should read this book."

Mebane Faber, Author of The Ivy Portfolio and Global Asset Allocation

"This book is relevant and recommended for investors who wish to learn more about harvesting factor premia."

Jason Hsu, PhD, Co-Founder and Vice-Chairman, Research Affiliates

"This book is dense with novel insights…earning it a prominent place on my own financial bookshelf."

Doug Short, PhD, Advisor Perspectives

"Adaptive Asset Allocation merges empirical analysis and common sense to illustrate fundamental lessons in financial markets. The book has something for everyone: from retail investors to financial professionals. Read it!"

Wesley R. Gray, PhD, Alpha Architect