Explorations in Pragmatic Economics

Explorations in Pragmatic Economics


Explorations in Pragmatic Economics is a collection of Akerlof's most important papers. It provides both an introduction to his work and a grounding in modern economics. This book is divided into two broad areas: microeconomics and macroeconomics. It covers the economics of information, the theory of unemployment, macroeconomic equilibria, the demand for money, psychology and economics, and the nature of discrimination and other social issues.

Praise for Explorations in Pragmatic Economics

"Explorations in Pragmatic Economics provides that long-awaited compilation of favorite hits by Akerlof and his coauthors. The book compiles some of the most innovative articles written in the past few decades. It is a must-read (or at least, a must skim) for any economist, be it a micro, macro, behavioral, or misbehavioral one."

Journal of Economic Literature