Fixed Income Analysis

Fixed Income Analysis

Full Name
Fixed Income Analysis: Investment Series

Fixed Income Analysis provides complete coverage of the most important issues in fixed income analysis. It offers you a wealth of practical information and exercises that will solidify your understanding of the tools and techniques associated with this discipline. This comprehensive study guide contains challenging problems and a complete set of solutions as well as concise learning outcome statements and summary overviews. If you want to make the most of your time in the fixed income marketplace, the lessons within this workbook can show you how.

Praise for Fixed Income Analysis

"Fabozzi has a gift for making the complex comprehensible. He cuts through the jargon and mathematics to explain the fixed income market in a splendidly logical and intuitive manner."

Martin Fridson, CFA, CEO, FridsonVision LLC

"This is the finest and most comprehensive treatment of the global debt markets in a single volume ever published. This compelling book should be a mandatory read, not only for aspiring CFA charterholders, but by all professional members of the global bond community."

Jack Malvey, CFA, Chief Global Fixed Income Strategist, Lehman Brothers

"In the field of fixed income analysis, Dr. Fabozzi has honed his authoring and editing skills over many years. This encyclopedic volume is likely to become the 'go-to' reference for many fixed income investment professionals."

Bill Nemerever, CFA, Partner, Grantham, Mayo Van Otterloo & Co. LLC

"A tour de force by a giant in our business"

Paul McCulley, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, PIMCO