Free Market Revolution

Free Market Revolution

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Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand's Ideas Can End Big Government

Free Market Revolution argues that the answer to our current economic woes lies in Ayn Rand's inspiring philosophy of capitalism and self-interest. It explains how her ideas can solve a host of political and economic ills, including the debt crisis, looming inflation, anti-business regulation, and the swelling entitlement state. Most importantly, Free Market Revolution shows how Rand's principles allow defenders of the free market to seize the moral high ground in the fight to limit government.

Praise for Free Market Revolution

“A powerful and unapologetic case in support of capitalism. For those who think more government will solve our nation’s problems, Free Market Revolution will open your eyes. For those who can already see the light, it will sharpen your vision.”

Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, Inc.

Free Market Revolution is a potential game-changer. Brook and Watkins dismantle the myth that free markets are responsible for today's ills, and they teach us how to take the moral high ground in the fight against Big Government. If there are any Occupiers left, this book should make them lay down their signs in surrender. Anyone who wants to understand why we have strayed so far from the Founders' ideals, and how we can find our way back, should read this book.”

Mallory Factor, Founder, Mallory Factor, Inc.

“The most important issue in our society today is the morality of capitalism. Free Market Revolution lays bare how capitalism is the only economic system consistent with man's nature as a thinking being who must act in his long term rational self-interest to survive and prosper. This is an important book which integrates philosophical ideas with their real-world consequences.”

John Allison, Retired Chairman and CEO, BB&T Corporation

Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand's Ideas Can End Big Government is very welcomed indeed. With clarity and courage Brook and Watkins present?the basic teachings of free market economics, and place them within the context of Ayn Rand's broader moral-philosophic system. As the problems with Government intervention into the free market become more and more evident to larger segments of the population, Ayn Rand's writing, especially her epic Atlas Shrugged, takes on a new life for a new generation.”

Peter Boettke, Professor of Economics, George Mason University