Get Rich with Dividends

Get Rich with Dividends

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Get Rich with Dividends: A Proven System for Earning Double-Digit Returns

Get Rich with Dividends is the bestselling dividend-investing book that shows investors how to achieve double-digit returns using a time-tested conservative strategy. This invaluable guide shows you how to set up your investments for minimal maintenance and higher returns, so you can accumulate wealth while you focus on the things that matter. With expert guidance toward finding and investing in these unique but conservative and proven stocks, Get Rich with Dividends is the only book on dividend investing you'll ever need.

This book describes a framework that allows investors to reap higher returns with a low-to-no maintenance plan.

  • Set up an investment system that requires little to no maintenance
  • Achieve double-digit average annualized returns over the long term
  • Focus on other things while your money works for you
  • Increase returns even with below-average growth in share price