
Getting Partnering Right

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Getting Partnering Right: How Market Leaders Are Creating Long-Term Competitive Advantage

Getting Partnering Right is a book authored by Neil Rackham, a consultant and academic that has written over 50 articles and books with an academic background in research psychology. The book is a practical, “how-to” book for suppliers that explains general concepts to help companies build a long-term competitive advantage through partnering relationships, and best practices of dozens of market-leading partnering organizations. Rackham also explains the revolution among supplier-customer relationships today, highly-profitable relationships with customers, distribution channels, and strategic customer initiatives. Getting Partnering Right is a great source book to make partnering a reality and a success for your company.

Getting Partnering Right contains 4 Criteria of Supplier-Vendor which can be partnering opportunities:

  1. Potential for impact
  2. Common values (not necessarily culture)
  3. Good environment for partnering (timing, leadership alignment, etc.)
  4. Consistent with suppliers goals - mutuality in goals

Table of Contents

  • Ch. 1. The Partnering Revolution
  • Ch. 2. The Ingredients of Successful Partnerships
  • Ch. 3. Impact: The Bottom Line
  • Ch. 4. Intimacy: Beyond Transactional Relationships
  • Ch. 5. Vision: The Guidance System for Partnering
  • Ch. 6. Choosing Your Partners
  • Ch. 7. Partnering with Other Suppliers
  • Ch. 8. Putting It All Together