Goodbye Gordon Gekko

Goodbye Gordon Gekko

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Goodbye Gordon Gekko: How to Find Your Fortune Without Losing Your Soul

With his standout Wall Street line “Greed is good,” Gordon Gekko became a pop culture icon for unrestrained greed. But, while greed might be great for one person–especially when that person is fictional–it’s not so great for good people living in the real world. Goodbye Gordon Gekko describes how a better understanding of people, capital, and culture can be used to enrich one’s life, financially as well as spiritually. This book shows how it’s possible to be well-off without all the trappings of wealth.

Praise for Goodbye Gordon Gekko

"With extraordinary honesty, grace, clarity, humor, insight, and emotional intelligence, Anthony Scaramucci here masterfully delivers timeless and priceless wisdom and wit that will ennoble and energize parents and children, teachers and students, coaches and athletes, bosses and workers, not to mention all three branches of government."

David Darst, CFA, Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

"There is only one Anthony Scaramucci and only the Mooch could have been so entertaining, insightful, and honest while sharing his life with us. Thank you, Anthony, and continue to make a difference."

Bobby Valentine, Former Major League Baseball Manager, New York Mets

"Anthony Scaramucci is a unique combination of a great entrepreneur and savvy Wall Streeter. His perspective on all things business is invaluable and here for all to read."

David Faber, Anchor, CNBC