

Full Name
Hormegeddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster

Hormegeddon” is the term coined by Bill Bonner to describe what happens when you get too much of a good thing in the sphere of public policy, economics, and business. Drawing on stories and examples from throughout modern political history—from Napoleon's invasion of Russia to the impending collapse of the American healthcare system, from the outbreak of WWII and the fall of the Third Reich to the 21st century War on Terror, from the Great Recession to the sovereign debt crisis—Bonner pursues a modest ambition: to understand what goes wrong.

Praise for Hormegeddon

"This is a must, must, must-read exposition of the side effect of government. It is deep, illustrative, witty, pleasant to read. Buy two copies, one for yourself, another for the nearest policymaker."

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Distinguished Professor of Risk Engining, NYU

"I am seldom jealous of anybody, but I truly envy Bill Bonner's writing and intellectual skills. I read his notes every day because of his perfect prose and his deep insights into economics, and investment markets. But, Hormegeddon, is by far the best Bonner ever produced. It is funny, cynic, sarcastic, highly informative, beautifully written, entertaining, and most importantly, written by a man who is not afraid to tell the truth, and stand up for it. I do not say this often, but when I read his Hormegeddon, I was truly in awe."

Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report