John Bogle on Investing

John Bogle on Investing

Full Name
John Bogle on Investing: The First 50 Years

This book is the first comprehensive review of John Bogle's remarkable journey towards 50 years in the financial services industry. It accounts the career and contributions of this dynamic investing icon. His never-before-published Princeton thesis on the function of an investment company is included, together with a compilation of his speeches over the past half century. The significance of indexing, topics on long-term investing, the importance of diversification, and the vital effect of costs on investment returns, are all included.

"Any investor who owns or is thinking of owning shares in a fund should read this book cover to cover."

Warren Buffett, Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

"This book sets the ultimate benchmark for all how-to-invest books."

Peter L. Bernstein, Economic Consultant, Author, Against the Gods

"A long-time student of the mutual fund industry, Bogle is both its harshest critic and its greatest friend. He is, in effect, the conscience of the industry..."

Don Phillips, CEO, Morningstar

'Throughout the book Bogle elaborates on what he considers his most important contribution to the investing community: “the majesty of simplicity in an empire of parsimony.” I can’t think of a better legacy.'

“Mr Bogle is also a noted proponent of index funds and everyone should read, mark, learn and inwardly digest his arguments.”

Financial Advisor, October 2015

"Bogle is rattling the status quo among the mutual fund titans." 


"John C. Bogle ... has the mind of an economist and the personality of a preacher." 

Washington Post