Resource Opportunities

Resource Opportunities

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Katusa’s Resource Opportunities

Katusa's Resource Opportunities is a monthly investment advisory driven by a world class trader, investor, and entrepreneur, Marin Katusa. This newsletter aims to focus on resource firms with the potential to massively grow in value. With its in-depth research driven stock picks, it identifies trends in the gold, silver, precious metals, and the entire natural resources market. Resource Opportunities extends a service that assists investors in navigating the natural resource market with knowledge and understanding, and uncovers prospective sites that give investors recommendations for portfolio enhancement.

Upon subscription to Resource Opportunities, you'll receive:

  • The Monthly Issue
  • Special Reports
  • Interim Alerts
  • Access to Marin Katusa's Personal Resource Portfolio
  • Access to the Katusa Research Members Area
  • Special Members Only Reports and Videos
  • Quality Customer Service