Killing Marketing

Killing Marketing

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Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses Are Turning Marketing Cost Into Profit

Over the last two decades, we’ve watched the entire world change the way it buys and stays loyal to brands. The most innovative companies around the world have achieved remarkable marketing results by fundamentally changing their approach. Killing Marketing explores how these companies are ending the marketing as we know it―in favor of this new, exciting model. It provides the insight, approaches, and examples you need to understand these disruptive forces in ways that turn your marketing from a cost center to revenue creator.

Praise for Killing Marketing

"Joe and Robert take us, once again, to the bleeding edge of marketing but importantly help us understand how to stay there. Their bold thinking, matched only by their bold personalities, jumps off of each page."

Jonathan Mildenhall, Chief Marketing Officer, Airbnb

"Sometimes the manual needs to be thrown out the door. This book rewrites the rules of marketing, putting content front and center to create value and brand loyalists. Push the envelope, change the approach, and don't be afraid to be disruptive."

Jeffrey Hayzlett, primetime TV and radio host, speaker, author and part-time cowboy

"Pulizzi and Rose have unlocked the puzzle of what marketing should be in the 21st century. Their focus on the two key elements, customers and the income flows those customers create, turns traditional product marketing thinking on its head."

Don Schultz, Professor Emeritus of Service, Northwestern University's Medill School

"Loaded with ideas to turn content marketing into profit centers. Read it and you'll become a believer, as I have."

Al Ries, co-author, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind

"World renowned marketing experts Pulizzi and Rose partner to author prescriptive advice to help marketing executives transcend purchased media and ascend to owned media prominence."

Kathy Button Bell, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Emerson

"Killing Marketing is the senior executive handbook for what the marketing function should always have been and now can be."

Stephanie Losee, Head of Content, Visa Corporate Communications

"Killing Marketing will challenge you to look beyond your known toolkit and change the structure of strategy that will fundamentally and profitably reshape the purpose of marketing in business."

Timothy McDonough, Vice President Global Brand Marketing, Moen Incorporated

"Killing Marketing is a controversial idea. But controversial marketing is exactly what is needed to profit successfully in the killing crossroads of traditional and new age business."

Raj Munusamy, Vice President, Content Marketing & Messaging, Schneider Electric

"Imagine marketing as a profit center, not a cost center. Sound crazy? Nope. This is the blueprint you need to flip marketing on its head, drive innovation, and claim your spot as a business leader."

Ann Handley, Wall Street Journal bestselling author & Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs

"Killing Marketing brilliantly demystifies the full implications of content as a pre-eminent force in customer experience and business transformation in the post-Internet era."

Carlos Abler, Global Content Marketing & Strategy Lead, 3M

"Buy this book and transform where the marketing budget lives on the balance sheet!"

Rebecca Lieb, Analyst, Advisor and author of Content: The Atomic Particle of Marketing

"RIP marketing. It's been real. Killing Marketing just put the final nail in your cost center coffin."

Jason Miller, Global Content Marketing Leader, LinkedIn