Knowledge and Power

Knowledge and Power

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Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing Our World

Knowledge and Power proposes a bold new theory on how capitalism produces wealth and how our economy can regain its vitality and its growth. It introduces an all-new paradigm-shifting theory of capitalism that will upturn conventional wisdom, just when our economy desperately needs a new direction. This book is a must-read for fiscal conservatives, business owners, CEOs, investors, and anyone interested in propelling America’s economy to future success.

Gilder breaks away from the supply-side model of economics to present a new economic paradigm: the epic conflict between the knowledge of entrepreneurs on one side, and the blunt power of government on the other.

  • The knowledge of entrepreneurs, and their freedom to share and use that knowledge, are the sparks that light up the economy and set its gears in motion.
  • The power of government to regulate, stifle, manipulate, subsidize or suppress knowledge and ideas is the inertia that slows those gears down or keeps them from turning at all.