Making Money Simple

Making Money Simple

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Making Money Simple: The Complete Guide to Getting Your Financial House in Order and Keeping It That Way Forever

You don’t need to be an expert to achieve financial freedom. You just need a framework that makes the right choices simple and easy to make. Making Money Simple provides that much-needed process so you can get on the right track to long-term financial security. This valuable resource provides a solid foundation for all the nuanced personal finance decisions you need to make as you go through your career, hit major life milestones, and look to grow wealth. It’s a blueprint for financial achievement.

Praise for Making Money Simple

"Making Money Simple gives you everything you need to turn career success into financial success. Peter's ability to distill complex ideas into easily digestible lessons makes this book an invaluable read—particularly for those asking, 'What should I do with my money?'"

Sam Altman, President, Y-Combinator

"One of the major challenges for investors today is understanding how to meet their current financial goals while also planning for their financial future. In Making Money Simple, Peter Lazaroff provides an easy-to-understand framework to help investors meet their short-term and long-term goals."

David Booth, Founder and Executive Chairman, Dimensional Fund Advisors

"The key to financial success is building an efficient savings and investment program that lets the magic of compounding work for you. Peter provides all the details in his wonderful book and puts you on the road to automating your financial well-being so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor today and forevermore."

Rick Ferri, Author of All About Asset Allocation

"If you're poring over the jumble of 401(k) choices you've just been handed, or simply figuring how to climb out from under your credit card and student debt, look no further: Making Money Simple will supply you with just the road map to point the way out for you. Read, enjoy, learn, and prosper."

William Bernstein, Author of The Four Pillars of Investing and The Investor's Manifesto

"Making Money Simple is like getting financial advice from a money-savvy friend who just wants to see you succeed. It doesn't try to impress you with investment jargon or try to show off with complicated concepts that you'll probably never need. Instead, it tells you what you need to know to reach your financial goals so that you can enjoy the rest of your life."

Christine Benz, Director of Personal Finance, Morningstar