Marxism Unmasked

Marxism Unmasked

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Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction

Marxism Unmasked provides a candid look at Ludwig von Mises and his teaching style. This book shares a lifetime of learning on topics that were and remain central to American public life. In this book, Mises discusses Marx and his place in the history of ideas, the destruction wrought by his dangerous ideology, and the manner in which his followers have covered up his errors. He discusses Marxist claims about history and refutes the smear of the industrial revolution.

  • Ludwig von Mises recounts the history of the attempt to suppress interest rates, from the ancient world to the modern period.

  • He explains why this cannot work because interest is merely the objective sign of a phenomenon that is integral to human action.

  • Also not to be missed is Mises's wry defense of "money cranks": at least they were only more consistent than the advocates of Keynesian and monetarism.