Maximum Options

Maximum Options

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Maximum Options combines Ken Trester’s personal database of stocks with the man's cutting-edge options technique to build fast, triple digit gains. This remarkable service provides real-time access to Trester’s personal trades and top-notch strategies to achieve the perfect balance of income and performance. It utilizes a range of options strategies, spanning from ultra-conservative to speculative, to give subscribers the opportunity to increase your gains many times over their current rate of return.


More opportunities to profit in any market condition. Get 3–4 trades each week, on average.

Clear instructions and easy-to-execute trades. You’ll take me step-by-step detailing how to make the trade — plus how and when to take profits.

Your Weekly Issue of Maximum Options where I’ll find trades updates, market analysis and more.

Unlimited Access to Our Member-Only Website. This is where I’ll find current and archived advice, exclusive coaching materials and more.

Special Trade Alerts. Anytime I need to make a move — buy or sell — you’ll be there to let me know. You’ll zip full instructions to me by email.

My Quick Start Guide to get you up to speed in your first 5 minutes at Maximum Options.

Videos with exclusive excerpts from your Options Training Camp seminars.

The FREE Options Trader Library. Discover 12 wealth-building reports jam-packed with over 40 years of knowledge and trading experience.