My Warren Buffett Bible

My Warren Buffett Bible

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My Warren Buffett Bible: A Short and Simple Guide to Rational Investing: 292 Quotes From the World's Most Successful Investor

My Warren Buffett Bible is a gold mine of quotations and advice from the billionaire “Oracle of Omaha”—compiled with his blessing. Beyond the financial benefits, this book shares a side of Buffett that is incredibly human, optimistic, and loaded with musings that will enrich every aspect of your life. This book contains nearly three hundred quotes that Robert Bloch has personally found to be indispensable to financial success. With the written blessing of Buffett himself, Bloch has selected the best of Buffett’s wisdom that will guide you to be a more successful and disciplined long-term investor.

"A shining, brilliant star of advice and insights from a genuinely great man, Warren E. Buffett. You cannot afford not to buy this book."

— Ben Stein, New York Times bestselling author and economist

"While most readers will receive great business insight from this book, they will also receive many life principles for our daily living."

— Matthew K. Rose, executive chairman of BNSF Railway

"A must-read for Americans of all ages and professions . . . brings Warren Buffett's commonsense wisdom together in one book. I could not put it down!"

— John G. Stumpf, chairman and CEO of Wells Fargo & Company

"This collection will give you a sense of the incredible judgment, disarming sense of humor, and commonsense perspectives behind one of the world's greatest investors."

— Kenneth I. Chenault, chairman and CEO of American Express Company

"Let me note that I did learn several new things about Buffett in this book-his dislike of diversification and his favoring concentration to build wealth; his dismissal of market assessments in favor of choosing companies whose businesses mean rising profits; saying "no" to almost everything; his dismissal of what businesses mean schools teach.  I intend to place the book among the few volumes I keep close by to look at from time to time.  You have winnowed much of value, and a lot of people, including me, will owe you great thanks."

— Morton I. Sosland, Editor-in-Chief of Sosland Publishing Company