No One Would Listen

No One Would Listen

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No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller

No One Would Listen is the thrilling story of how Harry Markopolos and his investigative team uncovered Bernie Madoff's scam years before it made headlines, and how they desperately tried to warn the government, the industry, and the financial press. Page by page, Markopolos details his pursuit of the greatest financial criminal in history and reveals the massive fraud, governmental incompetence, and criminal collusion that has changed thousands of lives forever as well as the world's financial system.

Praise for No One Would Listen

"How to improve financial regulation and reduce the federal budget deficit, all in one fell swoop? Fire the SEC. Hire Harry Markopolos."

James Grant, Grant's Interest Rate Observer

"Reading Markopolos's fascinating account of his relentless pursuit of the man behind the world's largest fraud scheme, I could not help but marvel at the resemblance to my own story. Both Markopolos and I were by turns dogged, shocked, frustrated and treated like pariahs. His account is a salutary tale and the detailed regulatory lessons offered in the epilogue deserve attention. Let us hope, this time, he gets it."

Sherron Watkins, The Enron Whistleblower, as reviewed in the Financial Times

"No One Would Listen shows what it was like to see flames when most people did not. On five separate occasions starting in 2000, Mr. Markopolos made submissions to the Securities & Exchange Commission about Mr. Madoff. His most detailed report, in 2005, outlined 30 reasons to suspect Mr. Madoff of being a fraud. The SEC's failure to follow up properly was horribly costly. The frustration of the outsider could not be better expressed."

The Economist