Options Trading Crash Course

Options Trading Crash Course

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Options Trading Crash Course: The #1 Beginner's Guide to Make Money With Trading Options in 7 Days or Less!

Options Trading Crash Course is a simple, easy-to-understand book that can help you trade your way into the options market. With overviews about the jargons and calculations in the options market, it also tackles the basic principles and strategies in layman’s terms. It covers methodologies that have been proven to work, helping its readers to give the best possible judgment based on facts, strategies and instructions mentioned. Options Trading Crash Course will give you introductions on the new ways to calculate risk, find the right investments, and ultimately amplify your chances of breaking the bank in the options market.

Through this book you'll learn:

  • The types of trade and how each one can bring you a profit
  • Strategies to make the very best use of your investment capital
  • How to see patterns in the market, how to spot great investments - and how to make money
  • And much, much more