Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich

Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich

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Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money

Conspiracy of the Rich was written to help people understand how the current recession came about, and what they need to learn on how to survive through the coming rough years. It is an interactive, "Wiki-style" project in which Kiyosaki has invited feedback, commentary, and questions from readers across the globe. Millions and millions of readers have flocked to his website to read what Robert has to say about the recession, and the readers have posted thousands of comments. Some of those reader comments will even be included in the final trade paper version. Kiyosaki provides solutions to financial problems and explains what created today's economic chaos and how it can be erased.

  • In this series, Robert Kiyosaki opts for an innovative approach with largely diminished returns: struggling with a way to inform average citizens on the current economic crisis, and how to rise above it.

  • Kiyosaki decided to write a book in online installments, seeking the questions and comments of his readers.

  • Kiyosaki's latest explains the origins of the economic crisis and how best to weather the storm and restore financial standing.

  • The 8 New Rules of Money shares Kiyosaki's view of global economics and explores why people are finding themselves challenged by these turbulent times.

  • It explores how what may appear to be the worst times is actually an opportunity in the making, and a chance for people to invest in their financial education.