The Accidental Theorist

The Accidental Theorist

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The Accidental Theorist: And Other Dispatches from the Dismal Science

The Accidental Theorist is a wonderfully cohesive set of sharp and witty essays that tackles bad economic ideas from across the political spectrum. In plain English, this book enlightens us on the Asian crisis, corporate downsizing, and the globalization of the American economy, among other topics. The writing here brilliantly combines the acerbic style and clever analysis that has made Krugman famous. This is a collection that will amuse, provoke, and enlighten, in classic Paul Krugman style.

"If you've read and enjoyed Krugman's regular column for Slate, "The Dismal Science," or have admired his work in the New York Times, The Washington Monthly, and Foreign Affairs, you'll find that the The Accidental Theorist is a must read. The essays in this book reflect a clairvoyant and playful mind that's patient enough to unravel and simplify--not dumb down--the arcane and lofty ideas of economics to something that the rest of us can understand. Highly recommended."

Harry C. Edwards