The All-Season Investor offers practical, straightforward guidance to modern methods of asset allocation. It explains why each stage in the business cycle has its profitable investment strategy and provides various techniques for tracking the cycle in order to choose appropriate investments. The All-Season Investor is a must-have for investors seeking guidance for the unknown changes ahead.
The All-Season Investor is an invaluable handbook for anyone who's trying to make the most of their investments--no matter what the economic climate.
It provides profitable investment strategies for every stage or season of the business cycle, including recession, boom, bust, growth, stagnation, and inflation.
This book shows you how to read changes in the economic climate, the bond market, the stock market, and the index of leading economic indicators like a pro.
Table of Contents
Diversification: The Medicine for Sleepless Nights
Securities in the Asset Allocation Mix
Mutual Funds
Manage Risk, and the Profits Take Care of Themselves
The Business Cycle and Asset Allocation
Tracking the Typical Cycle
Asset Allocation as the Cycle Unwinds
Tracking the Stages: Market Action
Tracking the Stages: Business Cycle Benchmarks
Allocating Assets for Your Personal Investment Objectives