The Big Investment Lie

The Big Investment Lie

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The Big Investment Lie: What Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Want You to Know

No professional investing advice is good advice. The Big Investment Lie is a hard-hitting book that proves it with indisputable facts drawn from scientific research. It helps readers cut through the thicket of hype in this perilous area, showing how widespread acceptance of the lie allows an entire industry to prosper on the small investor's dime. It proves that no professional investment advisor or manager has ever consistently and predictably beat market averages, not even Warren Buffett.

Praise for The Big Investment Lie

“Edesess speaks as only an insider could. The evidence is that all of the complex, expensive strategies sold by active money managers simply are not worth the cost. This book provides simple, effective guidelines for a successful investment experience for everyone.”

David Booth, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, President, and Chief Investment Officer, Dimensional Fund

“With wit and accuracy, and based on years of personal experience, Edesess provides clear and easy advice that will help you add substantial value to your portfolio.”

George Case, consultant and analytical software pioneer