The Big Reset

The Big Reset

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The Big Reset: War on Gold and the Financial Endgame

In all likelihood, gold will be re-introduced as one of the pillars of this next phase in the global financial system. China and Russia have been accumulating massive amounts of gold reserves, positioning themselves for a more prominent role in the future to come. The reset will come as a shock to many. Now, The Big Reset is written to help everyone who wants to be fully prepared. This updated edition takes into account developments since its original publication, which has only strengthened the case for the coming return of gold.

Praise for The Big Reset

“This is a wonderful history and description of gold and it would be in everyone’s interest to understand its conclusion.”

Eric Sprott, CEO, Sprott Asset Management

“An outstanding book about the coming transfer of the economic world power due to the decline of the world supremacy of the United States. Written from an economic point of view it leads to the same result as in the famous book of Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations. Willem Middelkoop’s best book so far.”

Louk de Wilde, former CEO, Fortis Switzerland

Willem Middelkoop and The Big Reset is right in the thick of the action! Great book; awesome statistical reference to go along with the analysis.”

James Rickards, author of The Death of Money and Currency War