The Bullish Case for Bitcoin

The Bullish Case for Bitcoin


The Bullish Case for Bitcoin represents an intellectual tour de force delivered with elegance and prescience by a polymath well-versed in mathematics, computer science, economics, philosophy, politics, and engineering. In a clear and concise manner, this book presents the theory of money, the anatomy of Bitcoin, the reasons it is superior to the gold and fiat standards that came before it, and the promise that it offers to human civilization.

Praise for The Bullish Case for Bitcoin

"An excellent and inspiring introduction to, and a reminder of, Bitcoin's value to the world, all through a comprehensive and historical lens on money."

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square

"The Bullish Case for Bitcoin is always on my recommended reading list when introducing folks to bitcoin. Great stuff."

Cynthia Lummis, United States Senator for Wyoming

"The Bullish Case for Bitcoin is an informative and engaging read for the newcomer and long-time bitcoin enthusiast alike. Boyapati makes a compelling case for bitcoin via a fast-paced tour of the historical setting of money, the properties of different types of money, and why bitcoin is the world's best form of money and store of value, potentially set to displace other forms."

Adam Back, cypherpunk